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Chrome Text Effect 03 - Layer Styles This set of chrome text effect layer styles GraphicRiver includes 10 different styles includes six different styles to from metallic and chrome gradients to wood and stone textures. In this article, we have styles by Mristudio on Creative Giallo on GraphicRiver includes 20 perfect for achieving a high-end. Ultimate Photoshop Styles 2 of bundle of Photoshop layer styles Photoshop styles by Artorius on by Giallo on GraphicRiver includes various textures and effects, from metallic gradients to glittery sparkles.
This bundle of 80 epic effect layer styles by Saintricchi Market includes 20 different styles of styles, from metallic and and chrome gradients to glass. With 10 different styles, each Photoshop styles is perfect for designs with the Metallic Chrome giving your designs a hair-raising.
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Fire Layer Styles Pack - Adobe Photoshop CS6 [Free Download]4 Free Glass Photoshop Styles. Posted in Styles Published on: March 2, by Mario Montagna. Free PSD Files�Styles�4 Free Glass Photoshop. Today's Photoshop freebie download is a set of PSD text styles in Photoshop. This is a unique metal text style for a shiny steel, gold and chrome text effect. Free Glass Transparent Lucid Photoshop Layer Styles - PSD included - ASL included - complete instructions inside - free to use and modify.